Goals for 2023

Welcome friends to 2023! I feel like the last half of the year flew by but don’t we always say that? For myself, once we got our home, time went by in the blink of an eye. Its time to set some new goals!

My goals for 2023:

*Read 23 books - If I read 2 books per month, one in October then I will hit this goal. Since I got my Kindle, it has made reading easier and a habit already.

*Hike Mt Rainer in Autumn - This has been on my to do list for awhile but this year I am going to make it happen!

*Use more sustainable products - I have already been hard at work at this one but I’m ready to take it further. I will not buy anymore plastic containers/utensils. I need to break my boyfriends habit of using disposable plates even further. The sandwich bags I rarely use will be either reusable or compostable.

*Learn French - To break this down a little further, I would like to be able to read, write and understand the basics of French by the end of the year. I have always loved the language and honestly should have taken it in high school.

*Do yoga on the weekends - I have been currently using the Apple Fit program that links up with your Apple watch and I love it. The classes are great and I really enjoy the meditation they have at the end. I choose to make this a goal for the weekends because sometimes I don’t not have enough time in the weekday mornings to enjoy and relax.

*Live my best main character year - This one is very special to me because we all should be doing this. Living these moments in the best way possible should always be a habit. If you want to go somewhere and your friends don’t, just go alone and enjoy your time. If you want to wear the cute outfit to do nothing, then do it!

*Journal in my five minute journal - My journal will arrive next weekend and I cannot wait!!

*Pay down 70% of my cc - I have been slowly chipping away at this one but now its time for a huge impact. I have broken down that I need to pay per paycheck for this one to be complete.

*Get my passport - Where do you think I will go first?

*Hit 10k on Instagram - I know this will seem silly for some but when you are a content creator, these things become goals. I feel like I have finally created a well done brand around myself. This is the happiest Ive been while creating content in a awhile.

*Do not drink alcohol Mon-Thur - This one is not only to not drink but to help with the way I feel about alcohol. Sadly its always in my fridge and that’s the habit I want to break. I don’t keep soda in there anymore so why should I keep alcohol. To give myself some grace, this rule will not apply on vacation. If I drink during the week then I made a rule for myself that, that is it for the remainder of the week, including the weekend.

I hope these goals have inspired you to set some of your own. The thing to keep in mind is you can always break these down in quarters of the year. I have some house goals for us and those will be broken down into quarters. For example I really want to get out backyard cleaned up and add new plants but that’s not something I can do in the winter. The ground is too cold. You can do this with all your goals so they seem less daunting and easier to achieve.


Autumn 2023 bucket list


Romanticize Your Perfect Cozy Winter