Quarantine 2020

Todays date is March 26, 2020 to be able to tell you that, I had to look at my phone. The world is in a very scary and to say the least weird place. I have been off work and in self quarantine for 7 days now and we have been advised to stay indoors as much as possible. They are calling it "self quarantine" and wanting us to social distances ourselves from others at this time. The whole US is hurting. Im mainly writing this blog post because I want to remember these times and people keep telling me we're living history at the moment. We haven't seen anything like this since the Spanish influenza. Which most of us were not around for that. States forcing people to stay inside, most if not all businesses temporally closing their doors except essential work places, and even outdoor areas are being closed.

I thought this would be really hard because Im not someone who likes to be at home all day everyday. I like to be out doing almost anything besides being home. Ive truly been able to get so much done though. Ive refreshed and revamped almost all my socials, cleaned and reorganized my home, read so many books. If I could make this my full time job I would. I would love to be one of those bloggers that were able to make an income off of many socials and hard work. This stuff isn't easy ladies and gents. If anything Ive learned to love and enjoy being home. Im learning to make the most of it.

The one thing that unsettles me is the unknown. We don't know when this pandemic will end. We don't know when we will be able to casually stroll a mall or even a hiking trail. We don't know when we will have paychecks again. Or when we can go back to normal, whatever that is. People are saying this isn't going to allow us to go back to our definition of normal. At this point Im afraid it is going to be hard getting back to the daily life. Ive enjoyed my time at home to much. Ive kept busy and I don't think I've said at any point that I was bored. For now this is my update on one week of being asked to stay home and indoors. Im sure more will come.

Stay safe out there peeps!


Winter Bucket List 2020