My Halloween 365 planner

This little idea has turned into one of the best, biggest, and hardest, ideas i’ve ever had! It all started with a message from a friend on instagram on February 15th 2021 and has turned into what you see today.

Now available on my Etsy store!

This blog post is to help you understand why I made this type of planner and how to use it!

Let’s start with the why.

I wanted to make this planner because like a lot of us, I love Halloween and I could never find a planner that was 100% halloween. I’ve seen a few of those date less ones but that’s not what I wanted. So off to the drawing boards I went with no clue on how or where to start. Let me be clear lol I don’t have issues with technology but I also created this without any type of degree in graphic design or anything like it. All I had was YouTube videos, trial and error, and what little I remembered from high school and one college class. Five and a half months later I have exactly what I wanted and more!

What sets my planner apart from the rest.

Besides the obvious, Halloween, my planner idea started with the bullet journal planner I created for 2020. If you do not know what a bullet journal is, it’s a book full of empty dot grid pages for you to design yourself. Bullet journals are meant to be custom and whatever you want. For me that meant cover pages announcing the month, modern/simple full calendars, mood trackers, habit trackers, Fall bucket list and weekly layouts. Thats what I have put in this planner for you.

Each month has:

Month cover page

Simple full calendar

Habit tracker

Mood tracker

Weekly layout

Since this planner is Halloween/Fall themed the only seasonal bucket list is for Fall. Their is also a 2022 goals page in the beginning of the planner and a gratitude log in November.


I honestly love this planner and can’t wait to use it!

Want some habit tracker ideas?

You can literally track whatever habits you want but lets keep these habits positive ones, that will motivate you to be your best self!

Some ideas are:

  • working out

  • drinking your water goal

  • self care

  • a hobby

  • walking your pet

  • cooking dinner at home

  • telling someone a complement

  • washing makeup brushes

  • journaling

  • finished a “to do” list

  • no spending

  • reading

  • quality time with friends and/or family

  • calling a friend/family member

  • making your bed

  • washing the dishes

  • no alcohol or smoking

  • no soda

  • packed a lunch for work/school

  • no fast food days

  • declutter

  • social media post

  • challenging your mind with a brain puzzle

  • wrote a blog

  • posting a YouTube video

  • created something

  • ate a certain amount of fruit/veggies

The best part is, you can make this planner whatever you want it to be. Whether you’re a parent wanting to track stuff about your kids, someone trying to track and remember the good things or a small business owner running it on there own, the options are limitless.

Mood tracking

This one is pretty self explanatory. I like to track my mood because if you do it honestly and something is wrong, you will see it. Or if you’re wanting to see if your mood really does change through out the month or you’re more productive when you feel a certain way. Mood tracking is great for that.

What I like to do is make 4-5 boxes and color them each a color with a mood written next to it. Then every morning with my coffee I will color in the correct item/date on the tracker according to how I felt the day before.


This was my mood tracker for last December

On these pages I also had my habit tracker and how I track paying my bills(now its on my full calendar page).

My last thoughts

Without getting all mushy on you, I really hope you enjoy this planner. The phrase “nothing worth having, is easy” has proven itself with this planner. The last 5 1/2 months have been a lot of good and bad times, a sore neck from sitting too long, a ton of frustration and laugher at the end of the day. It got to points where I didn’t want to make it anymore but you all held me accountable with your excitement and I couldn’t let you down. Without you their would be no planner. I can not thank you all enough.


Fall bucket list 2021


Valoween Pasta