My 2020 year in review

Well we have made it to the end of another year! Let’s take a trip down memory lane together.

January 2020

Little did I know that would be one of the only times I sat inside a restaurant in 2020, drove over an hour to find snow

February 2020

Look I did for valentines day, cool hiking trail we found, dyed pasted red with beats

March 2020

Cupcake turned 7, first and only time it snowed in Portland & the day I lost my grandpa, lock down started and so did the creative


During quarantine I read over 7 books, Bones learned to smize, mental breakdowns sunk in


The month I swear I had covid. I never felt that sick or for that long before.

June 2020

Summer rain brings double rainbow, epic bath, first time eating at a restaurant in months

July 2020

When I took the plunge and got a shag haircut, its halloween already right? This cool but creepy troll bridge we found

August 2020

When I entered my 30’s! We stayed in a cabin in Mt Hood, Oregon

September 2020

When Oregon was on fire. The worst fires i’ve ever been around, annual pumpkin patch visit, first time decorating my front door

october 2020

Finally visited the East Coast during fall, Salem trip, annual leaf picture

november 2020

Visited Rowena Crest, got sponsored by Hot Topic, bought my first Subaru

December 2020

Christmas at our friends house, we finally hiked Mirror Lake, I hosted Christmas for the first time

Im sure a lot of you can say this,

their are to many words to describe this year.

Rough, quarantine, exhausting, exciting, liberating, bucket list finishing, shocking, upsetting, are a few that come to the front of my mind. For myself personally I think 2020 has become my best and worst year.

Best, because I have never done so much work on myself and personal growth. When we went into lock down for about three months, life slowed down. We had the time and space to look and think about everything.

Worst, becauseI lost two grandpas this year and couldn’t fly, mourn or be with my family because of covid rules. Covid changed our lives forever and forced us to change. After a few months of lock down my mind went to very dark places. Places i’ve never been before.

At the end of the day 2020 made me a stronger person. I still met almost all the goals I set in January 2020. I made my Salem/East Coast/New England trip happen, I paid off my car and traded it in and couldn’t be happier. I made a Autumn, Winter and PNW bucket list and crossed a ton off of all of them. My relationship hit a few bumps this year but we are going into 2021 as a stronger couple because of it. I still managed to make a ton of new friends. I started to take my fitness journey more serious. This year was challenging but Im choosing to look at all the positives that happened because they still happened!

There is always light at the end of the tunnel. There will always be light where there is dark.


My 2021 goals


Hiking Mirror Lake, OR